On my way into work this morning I saw Arthur J. Nascarella who plays Carlo Gervasi from the Sopranos on my NJ Transit bus (#158) on my way into NYC. I didn't realize it was him until he got off right in front of me at the Port Authority bus terminal. I tried to get a photo with my Treo without bothering him so the best I got was the back of his head on the elevator down to the main level:
Not very convincing, I know. But I was sure it was him when we got to the bottom of the escalator and three NYPD officers were standing there and one of them pointed at him and yelled, "Hey, it's the new construction guy!" This was in reference to the promotion Tony gave Carlo replacing Vito in all construction business in last week's episode. He pointed right back and smiled but kept on walking.
Technorati tag: Sopranos
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